
Lutterworth Golf Club


The aim of our Junior Section is to help you to enjoy your golf and to provide the opportunity for you to progress to become an accomplished golfer in a friendly and safe environment. 


1.1      Definition

1.1.1    Junior members shall be boys or girls aged 6 years to 17 years of age as at 1st September.

1.2      Application Forms

1.2.1     At the time of application juniors must have a maximum age of 17 years or in special circumstances at the discretion of the Membership Sub-Committee.

1.2.2     A prospective junior member must fill in the club membership form and return it, duly completed to the Club Manager.

1.3      Membership Application Process

1.3.1     The Junior Organiser, together with other members when deemed appropriate, shall meet a prospective junior member and parent(s)/guardian to explain the opportunities and facilities available.  Guidance on parental involvement will be provided. 


2.1      Obtaining a Handicap

2.1.1     Juniors must provide three cards for handicap purposes as soon as possible after their acceptance for membership. One card must be signed by an adult.

2.1.2     The Handicap rules permit ‘Club Handicaps’ to be awarded in the range of 29 to 54 [37 to 54] at the discretion of the Club.  Lutterworth Golf Club has adopted this option for Junior Members.

2.1.3     A Junior playing the course in order to submit a card for handicap purposes must be accompanied by an adult or junior member who has a valid  handicap (handicap of 28 (male) or 36 (female) or under). Cards for Club Handicaps can be signed by an approved adult or junior with a handicap or Club Handicap up to 54.  The card must be signed, dated and state the tees that the junior played from.  The card must be returned to the Junior Organiser.

2.1.4     The Junior Organiser or Handicap Secretary may accept supplementary play cards in accordance with Handicapping guidelines.

2.2      Tees

2.2.1     A male junior under the age of 14 years playing off a Club Handicap may play from the red tees; male juniors over the age of 14 with a Club Handicap must play off the yellow tees.

2.2.2     Any male junior with a handicap of 28 or less must play off the appropriate men’s tees.


3.1      Junior boys and girls with Handicaps may play in Club Competitions in accordance with the entry conditions.

3.2      Junior boys are eligible to play in adult Club competitions once they have been awarded a handicap of 28 or less. Junior girls may play in all ladies’ competitions and in Club competitions in which ladies are eligible to play when they have a handicap (54 or better). When playing in any competition a junior must be accompanied by an adult member with a handicap. The exception to this is the Mid-week Medal where if no adults are available to accompany them they may play together.

3.3      Junior boys with a handicap of 18 or better may win the major prizes in Club competitions, subject to the conditions of those competitions.

3.4      In a pairs competition junior boys with a handicap of 18 or better may play together as a pair and win the major prizes, subject to the conditions of those competitions and paying the adult entry fee.  Junior boys with a playing handicap of 19 or more may also enter the competition but only with another junior (irrespective of their handicap) but will only qualify for the junior prize. In all cases the junior pair must be accompanied by an adult pairing who are members.

3.5      Junior girls playing in ladies competitions including Club competitions in which there is a separate ladies prize, will pay the full entry fee and be eligible to win the ladies prizes, subject to the conditions of those competitions. In a Club competition where ladies are eligible to play but where there is no separate ladies prize, junior girls with a handicap of 18 or better may enter the competition by paying the full entry fee and be eligible to win the major prizes, subject to the conditions of those competitions.

3.6      In Club competitions (where juniors are eligible to play) a junior may elect to pay and play only for the junior prize irrespective of their handicap; this does not apply in pairs competitions where a junior playing with an adult must meet the competition entry conditions and pay the adult entry fee.  Juniors only entering for the junior prize will take precedence for this prize over other juniors who are playing for the major prizes. If there are no juniors entering the competition paying the junior entry fee, the junior prize may be awarded for a junior playing for the major prizes.

3.7      Members (or visitors) who are under 18 years of age may not enter the following competitions:

·      Mixed Open
·      Men’s Open
·      Men’s Invitation Day
·      Any other Open Competition organized by the Club that does not specifically permit junior entrants.

3.8      Juniors under the age of 18 years at the commencement of the winter league competitions are not eligible to enter the Winter Leagues.  Juniors reaching the age of 18 during the Winter League may play as stand-ins.

3.9      Juniors may play on Captain’s Day and President’s Day only by the invitation of the Captain or President respectively. There may be time restrictions placed on when juniors may play in these events.

3.10    Juniors may not enter the Buck Cup unless they qualify as the full winner or runner up in an official club competition, not the junior winner.

3.11    Junior boys may enter the Thistle as a pair provided they have a handicap of 18 or better.

3.12    Junior boys may enter the Godde provided they have a handicap of 18 or better.

3.13    Junior boys and girls are eligible to enter junior competitions in accordance with the junior handicap criteria.

4       GENERAL

4.1      Time Restrictions

4.1.1     Unless indicated, a junior boy with a handicap of 28 or less or a girl with a handicap of 36 or less may play at any time.  Juniors with Club Handicaps playing with an adult club member may play at any time but must be prepared to wave faster players through.  Unless playing in an organised junior competition, juniors with Club Handicaps must, during weekends and Bank Holidays, play after competition tee times have been completed and be prepared to let waiting adult members tee off ahead of them and to wave faster players through.

4.1.2     Juniors with Club Handicaps must check with the Pro Shop for any specific instructions prior to teeing off.

5       Etiquette

5.1      Always be aware of other people on the course.  If caught up by other players, let them pass you.

5.2      Read, understand, remember and observe the etiquette of golf. Always carry a current R & A Rule Book or aide memoir when you play golf. If in doubt on any rules, ask the Professional.

6       DRESS CODE

6.1      Members, visitors and juniors must adhere to the published Club Dress Code.  Juniors under 12 years of age may wear clean trainers.  Juniors inviting guests should ensure their guests are aware of the dress code.


7.1      A junior must have a handicap of 28 (boy) or 36 (girl) or below to introduce a junior guest, who must have a handicap certificate.

7.2      A junior may introduce one adult visitor per occasion of visit.

7.3      A junior may not introduce an individual, adult or junior more than six times in one calendar year.

7.4      Green fees for a junior guest are to be as set by the Committee.


8.1      Juniors must, at all times, observe the Clubhouse Rules.

8.2      Junior members whose parents are not members may introduce them to the Clubhouse in accordance with Club rules.


9.1      Mobile telephones should be switched off whilst on the course.  When in the clubhouse, phones should be set to silent and any necessary calls should be made in the Foyer.

(These regulations were last updated in Juiy 2024)

Please complete the form below to agree to the Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for Young Golfers

As a young golfer taking part in a Lutterworth Golf Club activity, you should:

• Help create and maintain an environment free of fear and harassment
• Demonstrate fair play and apply golf’s standards both on and off the course
• Understand that you have the right to be treated as an individual
• Respect the advice that you receive
• Treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself
• Respect other people and their differences
• Look out for yourself and for the welfare of others
• Speak out (to your parents or a club representative) if you consider that you or others have been poorly treated
• Be organised and on time
• Tell someone in authority if you are leaving the venue
• Accept that these guidelines are in place for the well-being of all concerned
• Treat organisers and coaches with respect
• Observe instructions or restrictions requested by the adults looking after you

You should not take part in any irresponsible, abusive, inappropriate or illegal behaviour which includes:

• Smoking
• Using foul language
• Publicly using critical or disrespectful descriptions of others either in person or through text, email or social network sites
• Consuming alcohol, illegal performance-enhancing drugs or stimulants
• Juniors should be aware that there is a public footpath through LGC and the Club has no control over its usage
• There are 3 ponds and the River Swift running through the Course. Juniors should not try and retrieve balls from the water and remain well clear of the water.



Code of Conduct for Parents/Carers of Young Golfers

As parents you are expected to:
• Positively reinforce your child and show an interest in their chosen activity
• Do not place your child under pressure or push them in to activities they do not want to do
• Be realistic and supportive
• Promote your child’s participation in playing sport for fun
• Complete and return the Player Profile Form and Consents pertaining to your child’s participation in activities at Lutterworth Golf Club
• Report and update Lutterworth Golf Club with any changes relevant to your child’s health and wellbeing
• Deliver and collect your child punctually before and after coaching sessions/competitions
• Ensure your child has clothing and kit appropriate to the weather conditions
• Ensure you child has appropriate equipment, plus adequate food and drink
• Ensure that you child understands the rules of Golf
• Teach your child that they can only do their best
• Ensure that your child understands their Code of Conduct
• Behave responsibly at Lutterworth Golf Club and on the golf course; do not embarrass your child
• Show appreciation and support the coaches, volunteers and staff at Lutterworth Golf Club
• Accept the decision and judgement of the officials during events and competition

As a parents/carer you have the right to:
• Be assured that your child is safeguarded during their participation in the sport
• Be informed of problems or concerns relating to your child
• Be informed if your child is injured
• Have consent sought for issues such as trips and photography
• Contribute to the decisions of the club
• Have any concerns about any aspect of your child’s welfare listened to and responded to

Any breaches of this code of conduct will be dealt with immediately by the Professional Staff at Lutterworth Golf Club. Persistent concerns or breaches may result in you being asked not to attend games if your attendance is considered detrimental to the welfare of young participants.
The ultimate action should a parent/carer continue to breach the code of conduct may be the Lutterworth Golf Club regrettably asking your child to leave the session, event or club.


Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.